Thursday, 19 March 2015

The Royal Palace of Caserta, photo gallery and mini review

In our journey through the Italian World Heritage sites by UNESCO today we visit the Royal Palace of Caserta, or Royal Palace of Caserta, historic house belonged to the royal house of the Bourbons of Naples which is located in Caserta, Italy. Besides the Palace, charming and immensely is also the park that surrounds it, made by an Italian garden - in which there are several fountains and the famous Great Falls - and the garden, characterized by thick forests.
The Royal Palace of Caserta is considered the largest royal residence in the world, even bigger than Versailles and is one of the most visited tourist destinations per year, with about 500 thousand visitors. Made in the late eighteenth century by order of King Charles of Bourbon, the Royal Palace was his favorite home, built so pompous to compare with that of Versailles. Initially designed for Napoli was moved to Caserta to avoid it to be easily attacked by sea. The architect who built it was Luigi Vanvitelli, to which the king asked that the draft of the opulent mansion there was only the palace, also the park and the accommodation of the urban environment, with the procurement of a new aqueduct (Aqueduct Carolino) who crossed the adjoining complex of San Leucio. The new palace was to be a symbol of the new state Bourbon and manifest power and grandeur, but also be efficient and rational. The work lasted years, from 1751 to 1845, although it was inhabited as early as 1780. During these years not only died on King Charles of Bourbon, but also the same Vanvitelli, who was succeeded by his son. Example of the Italian Baroque, the palace is a complex of 1200 rooms and 1742 windows, 34 staircases, for an area of ​​about 47 000 m². The Royal Palace of Caserta, photo gallery and mini review Edited by debora March 14, 2012 The Royal Palace of Caserta, and the Gardens of the Palace, are beautiful, beautiful, really beautiful. And despite all the problems, such as the scarcity and contradictory nature of the information, the union meeting of two hours of Sunday morning (held on the day before), the dirt and the ruin of some of its parts, in spite of everything, the Royal Palace and Gardens remain beautiful, a must see at least once in life. Our Versailles was ordered by Charles of Bourbon, the future Charles III of Spain, who began work in 1751, entrusting them to Luigi Vanvitelli, risucendolo to tear the Pope (a kind of football-market era, where instead of the players, we were fighting artists). One requirement for Vanvitelli: build the most beautiful palace in Europe. Neither was able to see the finished work, indeed Charles went off to do the king in Spain, leaving the task to finish the work (and to find the money), to those who would succedduto. The construction of the palace was completed in 1845, under Francis II, the last of the Bourbons in Italy, but not the last king, to be able to enjoy such magnificence. One of the finest examples of Baroque in Italy, a building with a rectangular shape, with buildings that cross on the inside, on an area of ​​47,000 square meters, a 120-hectare park, which stretches over 3 km, understand well that if you decide to visit the Royal Palace and Gardens, you have to be well organized (and hope they do not organize an assembly surprise). In these two photographs, taken from the village of Casertavecchia, one can see how it fits the Royal Palace in Caserta modern; a huge palace and a long strip of green that goes back to a hill, completely surrounded by the city, which was built around. But at the time of its construction it was not so; here was the whole country, and to get from Naples to the Royal Palace, the King and his court, had to do 20 kilometers of road, immersed in what was to be the beautiful countryside bell. Charles wanted her here, also for security reasons, since at the time, the coasts were still beaten by African pirates to raid countries, and find slaves to sell in the markets of Tunis and Algiers. Getting to the palace by car is easy; Milan-Naples, Caserta exit, and follow the signs (5 minutes from the A1). To assess whether arriving by train, since the station is right in front of the large square of the Palace. The ticket office is on the left, after the gates. And here we have lived a little yellow. Meanwhile, calling by phone, office information, to book your ticket, we got two different answers (you can do, you can not do). Then arrived, we found having to pay a few euro more for the exhibition of Keith Haring in progress at this time (out of our interest), then we were informed that if you wanted to buy a ticket, it was mandatory to have the tour guide place (64 Euros), and that in any case, if you are in groups of more than 10 people is required to have mufflers (1.80 euro). Surely it will all be motivated, and with a purpose, but it is too much to ask to have accurate information on the obligations and transparent pricing (try to see the site of the Palace to believe)? Just entered, I was stunned by the size; everything is great, everything is great. And if we, modern travelers, accustomed to the skyscrapers and the issimi of modern civilization, we are impressed, imagine how you would feel a few centuries ago. The staircase leading to the upper floors is fantastic, and not surprising that it has been the set of many films and television series. A glance incredible. The staircase comes to a huge hall, in the center of the whole complex; from here you enter the Palatine Chapel (one can only look out) and to the royal apartments. Relax, you can not miss it, just follow the signs that guide us along the way, which starts from the huge stande representative, to get to the private ones, which although small, have their own little normal. There is much to see and so much history to consocere, so if you are going to deepen what you see on the tour, as well as dodge the various groups, you have to get well prepared, or take a guide, hoping that there understood , that kind speedy gonzales, well prepared in the history of art, and in cross-country running. Much to see; huge paintings of hunting scenes and views on the ports of the Kingdom, frescoes and tapestries which alone furnish the rooms, huge chandeliers that fall from high ceilings, and statues that imprezziosiscono environments, but also objects of daily use such as beds and cots, wardrobes , desks, chairs and desks. The portrait of the life of the King, as they could never know his subjects. And among the many beautiful objects, like a Murano chandelier, some curiosity, as the globe of the sky, a library pyramid, truncated at the top, and one of the first bidet in Italy, that officials of Savoy, in charge of doing the inventory, cataloged as "guitar-shaped basins of unknown use." And then you go out, and you get in the Gardens, where we we rested and refreshed, making a small picnic at the sides of the park, in the shade of the trees. A tip if you were not trained trekkers; to visit the park rent a bike, otherwise the risk, rather than concrete, and can only see part. The bibiclette are rented to the left, Appenna out on the back of the Palace. I can not tell how much there is availability of bicycles, but when I asked, aevano only normal ones; tandems and electric ones did not have any more. Leave a document, and you pay an hour early (there is also the horse-drawn carriage, but I did not ask how much it cost). To my bike, I paid 4 euro per hour. It was not too light, he marches that were not working very well, so on a few flights, I had come down, and take her hand. Despite this, an expense that would do it, because otherwise I would not be able to see the whole park. Half-hour bike ride, with some stops, to get to the top.
Having just spent an hour for the meeting (hours retrieved with a visit to the amazing village of Casertavecchia), we could not dwell too much on the English garden (at the top on the left as seen from the Royal Palace); so most of the simple impression of a romantic park and very cool, I can not tell you. Beautiful fountains, which break the perspective from the Palace to the hill, and provide a foothold to the will of the visitors, that fountain in Fountain, forget the fatigue and distances. My favorite is that of Venus and Adonis, with Mars in the treacherous role of the boar. When we returned home, I gave the girls asked if she had piaicuta the Palace. "It was beautiful," he said great. Then I gave her two small magnets, and at that point the smallest (6 years), to which I gave the one with the facade of the Palace, he told me: "Mom, but here are missing the litter." What can I say? Outside the palace, we are close to the station, and this does not help, but also in, here and there you could see things that were not, or to turn to the positive things you could improve. The general decorum, some parts of the park that seemed abbandanote, not to say then, information: simply lacking. Assembly, closed gates on Sunday for two hours, I do not mean anything; There are laws, and those who have to make sure they are respected. I'm just saying that at 9 am, after starting at 6, and organizing all the way out for over a month, I was quite angry. But then I have consoled with Casertavecchia, I do not know the gentlemen who came in pulmman from Veneto (and those from abroad). P.S. if you really want to take one of the guides proposed adgli abulanti, predetela at the gates, where they offer a 2 euro; 1 magnet costs 3 Euros, 5 Euros if you take two.

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