Thursday, 19 March 2015

St. Joseph, the bonfires and the beginning of spring

March 19 is Father's day, which falls in correspondence with St. Joseph, husband of Mary and also considered the father of Jesus. In Italy, however, we know that every religious holiday is intertwined magically with some pagan ritual that lasts even today despite the years. So, on March 19 in many cities and villages of Italy, celebrates the end of winter and early spring, and the fire is the symbol of this long-awaited step. The bonfire is part of a ritual of purification and consecration. Usually, in this huge controlled fire is burned a puppet that takes the shape of an old man or an old woman, which is to symbolize the Winter. Burning the puppet, therefore, we say goodbye to the cold season and greets the beginning of spring. Throughout the boot, especially in small towns, the Feast of St. Joseph is still very much felt by the people, who are carrying on the age-old traditions. the feast. A Bobbio, in Emilia Romagna, the party is even of Celtic origin: it was the Irish monks of the Abbey of St. Columban, founded in 614, to merge the pagan and Christian, in the light that defeats the darkness. Even in the land of Mormanno immemorial are the origins of this tradition that in all districts are lit large bonfires in honor of the Santo followed by music and traditional dances. A Itri, in the province of Latina, was used until a few years ago that two months before the party boys, often accompanied by adults, you were marked in the nearby woods to cut trees young holm: the aim was to gather as much plants possible to the day of the festival light the fire largest among all districts of the country. Even today, the day of St. Joseph, at dusk, across the country will light dozens of bonfires near which we organize parties with tasting of local products, including donuts of San Giuseppe, fried directly by the fires. This year in Matera, European Capital of Culture, the festival will attract many tourists ready to heat up before the fire of one of the many bonfires that will be lit to celebrate the pagan ritual. Everyone goes in search of the nearest bonfire, but do not forget to throw an olive branch in the fire, in a good omen for the start of summer. St. Joseph, the bonfires and the beginning of spring March 17, 2014 From north to south, the bonfires of St. Joseph, are many, each with its own rituals and traditions. In Val Trebbia, in the heart of the territory of the Four provinces, every year we celebrate the Feast of St. Joseph with the Bonfire and with the burning of the "old", a puppet that symbolizes the winter. In Lazio, however, in Itri - in the province of Latina - dozens of bonfires are lit all over the country with the branches of olive trees just pruned, with popular music concerts and tasting of local products scattered around the city streets. The tradition of the fires is still present even in the village of Lucan Viggianello, with the rite of "fucalazzi", where huge bonfires burn, together with the wood, all the negative winter. Fires in Basilicata, Molise and Puglia in Serracapriola youth and adults collect the "strains" from the fields, ie the branches of olive trees just pruned and make it turn on pyres by the evening of 19. But it is not only the olive l 'propitiatory tree, in other villages are burned fact pine branches or holm or even brooms. In short, a custom widespread even today, where tradition blends with modern developments without losing the magic of ritual bonfire devotional symbol of purification and bodes well for a vintage lush fields.

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